October 29, 2004

  • Here's a snippet from Xoverboard.com:

    That said, all this news over the last few days about the GOP efforts to suppress the black vote infuriates me, yet at the same time gives light to the desperation they must be feeling right now.

    I can concede to right-wingers that many coincidences and accusations could be overstated, and in same cases maybe even untrue. I do not, however, believe they all are. At least some of these stories: the threatening flyers, the registration challenges... some of these are true. And those are enough to prove the pattern. The Republican Party has gone into panic mode.

    I've seen this sentiment echoed in a lot of places. It's an essentially hopeful argument, since it assumes that a candidate with a good message and the ability to lead effectively will be seen as deserving of a win. It assumes that the election will be decided on merit, rhetoric (in the good sense), and the will of the people. But that's not a safe assumption to make.

    It's true that the Bush campaign is easily seen as completely devoid of moral and ideological high ground. Bush's record is one of tragic ineptitude, despite the very considerable foreign policy experience of his administration. It's obvious to everyone who's looked that there is zip zilch nada that Bush can actually run on, which is why all his ads are about how scary the world is, and how Bush is the only one with the Magical +2 Sword Of Defending. Even though the sword is actually cursed, and rolls -10. Yes, I played Dungeons and Dragons as a young person.. gotta prollem with that?

    So to the rational mind, this all seems to make sense: We hear stories about Republicans rigging elections, and we assume it's because the Bushies are worried. A rational, moral person would see such rigging as an act of last-ditch desperation. But we're not talking about moral people here... The Bushies aren't worried, and part of what keeps them from being worried is that they've rigged the election.

    The Republicans can simply steal the election, because they know that any reports of voter fraud will be denounced as 'Sore-Loserman'-ism from the liberal media. The party faithful have no problem with doublethink, so it'll be just dandy with them that their party defrauded its way to the top once again. This is simply how it's going to play out.

    My election predictions: Everyone will lose. We won't have a result before Thanksgiving.

Comments (7)

  • it's way too scary...

  • not sure what happened above, but the full post was:

    As many examples as you can give me about Democrat vote suppression, I can show you at least as many about Republican vote supression.  This phenomenon isn't even new, so I fail to understand why its being played up as this new scare tactic that only conservatives engage in.

  • You're simply wrong, thatliberalmedia. Where are Democrats telling black people that they can't register to vote? Where are Democrats forging mailers from state election boards, saying that voters will be arrested for voting at the wrong polling place?

    You might have a story about someone's 'Bush/Cheney' yard sign being ripped up, but you don't have a story about voter fraud. And I'm talking about voter fraud.

  • Since you saw fit to only quote a liberal blogger, I don't see any reason to support myself above quoting a conservative blogger, who unlike your source, actually gave links of support.  He discusses the leaked memo that showed Dems are planning to cry "voter intimidation" regardless of whether they witness any or not.

    Then there were the members of the SEIU, a labor union supporting John Kerry for president, have decided to help their Democratic colleagues by targeting Ralph Nader petition gatherers for intimidation, posing as investigators and attempting to scare them off the job. Following people to their homes an intimidating volunteers through their physical presence and vague threats of action should appall all Americans, especially since the SEIU represents goverment workers.

    This is not exactly about voter fraud, but it is about suppressing GOP get out the vote efforts, which achieves the same result:

    Orlando, FL - 2 GOP volunteers injured by AFL-CIO protestors storming the building

    * Knoxville, TN - Gunmen shoot the windows out of Republican campaign office

    * Gainesville, FL - Democratic activist punches GOP volunteer in the face

    * St. Paul, MN - AFL-CIO goons barged into Republican HQ and commandeered the lobby and the building's intercom system to disrupt the work of Bush/Cheney volunteers:

  • Still no voter fraud. Try again.

  • Yea you're right, if it doesn't fit into the legal definition of voter fraud, their good wholesome acts that are imperative to every democracy aren't they?

    Shooting up campaign offices isn't exactly stealing Bush/Cheney signs.

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