Month: January 2003

  • The real reason Bush wants to invade Iraq:

    Is Hussein Owner of Crashed UFO?

    “An UFO-related incident that occurred four years ago poses a troubling question whether any kind of cooperation is possible between Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and extraterrestrials,” UFOlogist Joseph Trainor declared in his review UFO Roundup (issue 51 of December 17, 2002). “On December 16, 1998, during Operation Desert Fox against Iraq, a video clip aired on CNN showed a UFO hovering over Baghdad; it moved away to avoid a stream of tracer anti-aircraft fire. At that time we all thought it was another UFO sighting, although captured on videotape. But now, ufologists think it was much more than a mere incident.”

    Remember kids: If it’s in Pravda, it must be true!

  • Currently playing:

    California Guitar Trio’s rendition of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

    Three guitars, thirty fingers, and Beethoven. It’s a pretty astonishing achievement.

    And because the MP3 file for it is 10 megabytes, you get to listen to another astonishing achievement of theirs, but one that’s not quite so large.

    Today’s musique du jour: ‘Scramble,’ by the California Guitar Trio.

  • Not much to say today, except that I put on my shoes and went for a walk. I got the new place to live. It’s pretty freakin’ cool.

    I was going to upload an image of my messy room with some kind of ironic comment about how I can finally unpack from moving in here 3 years ago. But Xanga’s not happy with image uploads at the moment.

  • The radio show ‘This American Life’ tackles the issues of ‘The Secret Government‘ in the A.C. times. (After Constitution.)

    It’s a streaming RealAudio link. The show’s an hour long. You really should listen.

  • Just to show you that the government isn’t sitting around on its hands, doing nothing about national security in the days of A.N (After Nine-eleven), the Ad Council gives us this handy booklet which can be downloaded as a PDF file.

  • Good article in O’Reilly’s MacDevCenter discussing the software market A.L. (After Linux).

  • Yay! Xanga’s back up! Woo!

  • I have this problem. From time to time, I’ll see a goal, I’ll have a vision, I’ll want something.

    And then, I’ll see what has to happen in order for that thing to happen, and become quickly overwhelmed with those subordinate things that must be accomplished.

    Right now, I’m avoiding calling a guy about a really great place where I want to live because I know that’ll mean sifting through and packing up all my stuff. It’s like not going for a walk because you’ll have to put on your shoes.

  • Wanna see something neeto?

    It’s Celestia, a freeware 3D space simulator thingie. They just did a Mac OS X port.

  • This is funny for people like me. It might not be funny for people like you, but trust me, if you knew the special secret language of Cocoa, you’d be laughing, too.